Tag: oceanlab
Museu de Ciência
Acabámos de lançar um novo site para o Museu de Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa, que celebra 25 anos no dia 8 de Maio. O site ainda está na primeira fase, mais desenvolvimentos estão para vir, mas já representa uma grande mudança. Em www.mc.ul.pt e no Facebook também. _ I’ve just finished this new website…
getting ready for vacations v.3
Depois de um mês a trabalhar no lançamento do site do deputado ao Parlamento Europeu, Mário David (www.mariodavid.eu); no projecto do Fixing the Future (www.fixingthefuture.eu); em pequenos acertos no Participez (www.participez.com) e a preparar o desenvolvimento de um novo projecto a ser lançado no inicio de Setembro (entre muitas outras coisas)… Depois de um mês…
on the web
Participez.com For all of you french girls and boys… Oceanlab‘s new development. Basically, Participez.com is a place where you can share your travel journeys, and make new friends. Enjoy. _ Eternal Moonwalk Submit your own moonwalk video, and help create the biggest moonwalk ever. _ Ape Calessino I still prefer the classic Vespa, but I…
I know this picture seems a little bizarre, but it’s from Sapo Awards ceremony. And yes, the guy holding the award it’s me. We’ve achieved the bronze with the development of the Suzuki Splash microsite.
Finally, Oceanlab‘s new website is up and running. We’ve created Oceanlab in 2002, and we have never had a decent website. We always have to much work to do, we never have time, so we never went further than just some temporary websites. And you know how this things are, we’re always the most difficult…
Last monday was Oceanlab 6th anniversary, so all team went scuba diving and on a afternoon sailing in Sesimbra. Every anniversary we do something different, but I must say this year was probably my favorite. Scuba diving was a lot of fun. Sesimbra seems to be a nice place to do it, and on the…